May 27, 2008


i drew your name
out of the shore
take off our memories
under the fullmoon

silently deeply

May 18, 2008

a poem for bizantyum

Unforbidden shadows of you formed yesterday
I ran away to a room here on the bay
Interrupted life again, another new beginning
Where the silence echoes you're no longer with me

Here and now, i feel that i'm embracing freedom
Even though i may be alone, but that's ok

Through the darkness i would walk in the streets
Confessions never seemed to provide me with a release
Held me down and tried to cure me tried to give me reason
But nothing could separate this burdened mind from me

Here and now, i feel that i'm embracing freedom
Even though i may be alone, but that's ok
And looking out to a different sky will disengage me
Absence is never the answer, i know, but it serves as my shade

I do not seek and do not intend to find
A calmer ocean or a sun that will never rise
My world will never change and time will bring you to my thoughts
And i'll move on and then forget you all over again
Moving on, i can forgive you all over again

Here and now, i feel that i'm embracing freedom
Even though i may be alone, but that's ok
And looking out onto a different sky it seems so easy
Absence is never the answer, i know, but it serves as my shade

an excuses

how to give an excuses to 2 years old boy ..
to make him understand

and he is my own son ...

kebayang mukanya dia yg kecewa ...

May 16, 2008

Matematika Abad 22

1. (dari temen matematika UI)

Persamaan 1
Manusia = makan + tidur + kerja + hura-hura
Keledai = makan + tidur
Manusia = Keledai + kerja + hura-hura
Manusia - hura-hura = Keledai + kerja
Manusia yang tidak tau hura-hura = Keledai yang bekerja / Kerja seperti

Persamaan 2

Pria = makan + tidur + cari duit
Keledai = makan + tidur
Pria = Keledai + cari duit
Pria - cari duit = Keledai
Pria yang tidak tau cari duit = Keledai

Wanita = makan + tidur + belanja & habisin duit
Keledai = makan + tidur
Wanita = Keledai + belanja & habisin duit
Wanita - belanja & habisin duit = Keledai
Wanita yang tidak tau belanja & habisin duit = Keledai


Dari Persamaan 2 dan Persamaan 3 :
Pria yang tidak tau cari duit = Wanita yang tidak tau belanja & habisin duit.

Kata lain :
Pria cari duit AGAR wanita tidak menjadi Keledai !
(Postulat 1)
Dan, Wanita belanja & habisin duit AGAR pria tidak menjadi Keledai !

(Postulat 2)

Jadi, kita sampai pada ....
Pria + Wanita = Keledai + cari duit + Keledai + belanja & habisin duit
Maka ... dari Postulat 1 dan 2, kita dapat simpulkan :
Pria + Wanita = 2 Keledai yang hidup berbahagia selama-lamanya. ..!!!!