Nov 30, 2006

Tour of Duty

day 1 .
Mendarat di Ngurah Rai .
check in di Mercure Kuta
join the party at hard Rock
back to hotel at 3 am .. tepar

day 2
Management Meeting ...
Kuta Beach Side Walking
Shooping at Discovery Mall
Swim at the rooftop .. watch the sunset
Entertaining at Musro
back to the hotel at 5 am

Day 3
Management Meeting
Resting .. Massage
got dinner at Pizza Hut
break time
Back to Musro
back to the hotel at 5 ..
packing ...

Day 4
back to jkt on 1st flight

hanya kita yang tahu

kepada dirimu
yang tlah singgah dalam pelukanku
perangi dinginnya malam
dalam kehampaan perasaan
tapi satu yang kita tahu ...

kepada dirimu
yang telah membelaiku
beri kelembutan
entaskan penat amarahku
dan hanya kita yang tahu ...

kepada dirimu
dalam kecupan lembut bibirmu
endapan keresahan
remang redup nurani
kembali jiwa yang terlepas hilang
hanya kita yang tahu ...

perasaan tulus yang selalu timbul pada saat yang salah ...

you'll be safe here

Nobody knows
Just why we’re here
Could it be fate
Or random circumstance
At the right place
At the right time
Two roads intertwine

And if the universe conspired
To meld our lives
To make us
Fuel and fire
Then know
Where ever you will be
So too shall I be


Close your eyes
Dry your tears
‘Coz when nothing seems clear
You’ll be safe here

From the sheer weight
Of your doubts and fears
Weary heart
You’ll be safe here

Remember how we laughed
Until we cried
At the most stupid things
Like we were so high
But love was all that we were on
We belong

And though the world would
Never understand
This unlikely union
And why it still stands
Someday we will be set free.
Pray and believe


When the light disappears
And when this world’s insincere
You’ll be safe here
When nobody hears you scream
I’ll scream with you
You’ll be safe here

Save your eyes
From your tears
When everything’s unclear
You’ll be safe here

From the sheer weight
Of your doubts and fears
Wounded heart

When the light disappears
And when this world’s insincere
You’ll be safe here

When nobody hears you scream
I’ll scream with you
You’ll be safe here

In my arms
Through the long cold night
Sleep tight
You’ll be safe here

When no one understands
I’ll believe
You’ll be safe,
You’ll be safe
You’ll be safe here
Put your heart in my hands
You’ll be safe here

Nov 29, 2006

Nov 27, 2006

i miss u already

just me and a glass of scotch ..
thinking ..
waiting for my time
to leaving this town ..

but why it's so hard to take a path
leaving all behind

i miss u already ...

out of town

hi all

im out of town for 2 weeks to Bali and Bandung for work
and i dunno whether i can internet access or not
so pls if there are urgent matter reach me on my XL or TSEL number

long trip .. and missing ...

you can live with the uncertainty

Things may not be clear for quite a while, but you can live with the uncertainty.

In Detail
Exciting travel is in your near future, although it might not be the same journey you had planned. Let go of your organizational nature and try to let this new adventure unfold naturally. Give control over to fate. Things may not be too clear for quite a while, but you don't have to try to make them clear. Simply live with the uncertainty. In some circles, 'uncertain' is just another word for 'spontaneous.' Incorporate more chance and fate into how you live your life.

Nov 26, 2006

4th place 2006 Yamaha Dragrace

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Shultan Racing Team
4th place - 115 CC Bebek Standard
Yamaha Dragrace 2006 - Kemayoran 25 Nov 2006

Nov 24, 2006


di penghujung sepi
dalam terawangan cahaya malam
perlahan pudar
sejenak masih terasa
wangi tubuhmu yang tertinggal
redakan kerinduanku

.. rama ..

what tomorrow should i dream tonite

hanya bayang bayang
dalam kelip kelip temaram daun jambu
bias air hujan sore tadi
menambah senyapnya jalan panjang malam

dibawah lampu lampu jalan
masih bersama kepulan setan setan jalanan
ucapkan keinginan

adakah kau nyata
menantiku di depan pintumu
ataukah kau hanyalah salah satu teman mimpiku
kemarin malam

what tomorrow should i dream tonite

Nov 23, 2006

welcome to black parade

When I was a young boy my father took me into the city
to see a marching band
He said 'Son when you grow up, would you be, the saviour of the broken, the beaten and the damned?'
He said 'Will you, defeat them, your demons, and all the non-believers, the plans that they have made?
Because one day I'll leave you a phantom to lead you in the summer to join the Black Parade.'

now i at the black parade

Nov 21, 2006

Red Gatorz

nite speeding ..
preparing buat besok dragrace di kemayoran

Nov 19, 2006




tigaaa ..


ikannnnn ... ikannnn .. ikannn

the sun

ewwww ...

rama naik motorrr niwwww .. ada yg mo itut ??

hai ...

Mata genit ...

a laugh in the dark ...

can't i touch this, daddy ?

Nov 13, 2006

if ..

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if a picture can describe many words ...
aku sudah tak bisa berkata kata lagi .
habis sudah .
terlalu banyak ego yang berkuasa diatas segalanya
sedangkan kesabaran pun sudah mencapai batasnya
terlalu banyak kata kata yang tak bisa di ungkapkan
emosi ..
tanpa pikir panjang ..
lelah sudah

aku ingin tidur . terlelap .

hanya ada aku

hanya ada aku
kelip bintang
dan suara jangkrik
bara api padam sudah
hanya asap ditinggalkan
hilang bersama bayu malam

hanya ada aku
bersama nyanyian sendu daun daun malam

a love letter to nobody

Born from silence, silence full of it
A perfect concert my best friend
So much to live for, so much to die for
If only my heart had a home

Hasten to drown into beautiful eyes
Walk within my poetry,
this dying music

a love letter to nobody

Nov 9, 2006

aku kehilangan dirimu

setetes air yang jatuh
di peraduan berdebu
hilang dalam senyap
bersama dingin dingin malam

tingkap usang tertutup sudah
redup cahaya
perlahan mati dalam keheningan ..

aku kehilangan dirimu

menjaga api

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menjaga api ..
it was very cold .. rainy ..
move like butterfly, sting like bumblebee

gak ngerti knapa juga gua nulis kaya gini


Nov 8, 2006

Crosser Wannabe

another day dreamin ..

just a picture

Kali ini gue ada hobby baru .. moto .. tapi ndak moto diri sendiri sih .. tapi object. ini bbrp yg gua photo ceritanya lagi blajar mo jadi potograper .. heheehe
gak tahu yah bagus ndak .. tapi menurut gue sih bagus ..

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Berbagi Kasih

this one .. i just take as they there .. the moment happened accidentaly.
and the moment bring me to the times when i was like them.

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Sandal Hijau
hanya sebuah sandal kusam yang sudah lama dipakai. dekil kumal. mungkin nilainya tidak seberapa tapi sandal ini sudah menemani aku jalan kemana saja .. tanpa komplain sedikit pun

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Pocari Sweat .
an empty can ..

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Black Chooper
Sepeda Tua yg sedang mau di modif .. aku suka angle nya ..

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This my first try out .. playing with the background.

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The Tail
Remember me .. this tail is belong to mine

Nov 5, 2006

concord was down .. and i drowning under 21'o chivas

some part are missing

Nov 2, 2006

used to be lucky

Now if losing is amusing, man get a load of me
You see me fallin' in love with a guillotine
But it used to be funny, to think you would think of me

Now I wish I could just take all my things and leave
But I've fallen down in the wheels of this machine
But it used to be somethin', to be nowhere with nothin'

Now mine is a sunshine kind of a valentine
But sometimes I still don't feel even worth a dime
But it used to be different, before I'd been where I've been

Everything's gone bad
In the dreams I've had
They all laugh at what I have

Tell me that it ain't true
When I wake I'm still me
Man, I wish I could once be you

Now I used to feel lucky, 'till I spent some time with me

wallflowers - used to be lucky

aku lupa

tenggelam dalam malam
bayang bayang yang tak mau lepas
begitu kencang begitu erat
kenapa juga aku tak bisa lepaskan bayangmu

bisikan halus
terus mengiang . tuk meningatkan kepaadmu ...

aku lupa
malam ini kamu ulang tahun ...


hpy bday bun ..

maybe i'll be the last one

ada Kuntilanak ...

sebenarnya antara percaya dan gak percaya .. tentang hal hal yg seperti ini ..
scara mistis dan nyata .. tapi it happened ..

rumah gue .. 31 tahun gue udah di rumah ini .. dan aku tahu scara ada bbrp ruang yang di diamin oleh penghuni gaib ini .. dari mulai dapur, kamar mandi, kamar tidur sampai ruang depan .. all different ..
di depan rumah masih ada lagi beberapa mahluk gaib .. and sometimes i can feel for their existence. till one day ...

it was jam 12 malem . di rumah gue ada yono, agung, elan dan saryud . ntah gimana ceritanya tiba tiba sepanjang malam itu kita membahas ttg hal hal mistis. kita cerita ttg semua crita hantu yg beredar di sekitar kita dan juga semua yg sudah di buktikan oleh para saksi saksi yg bisa di percaya ..

dan sedangkan scara gue sendiri gua bisa sebutin ..

1. di kamar mandi .
ada sesosok orang tua .. yg sepertinya kecelakaan .. tangannya buntung sebelah .. ada bbrp orang yg sudah melihat tapi dia tidak mengganggu.

2. kamar tidur .
ada sesosok wanita tua .. menurut apa yang aku rasa dia adalah korban bunuh diri .. tidak begitu iseng. paling cuma goyang goyangin tempat tidur gue .. tapi tidak pernah menampakan diri.

3. Kamar depan.
scara kamar ini sudah lama tidak di tempatin . so tempat ini lah tempat yg paling sejuk di rumah gue . kadang pun gelap dan diruangan ini ada sesosok Raksasa besar seperti Yeti, berbulu tebal dan halus . jika ada orang yg mempunyai kemampuan utk melihat dia hanya bisa kelihatan Kakinya saja krn badannya sudah menembus atap rumah alias .. gede bangedd

nah di luar rumah ada 2 lagi mahluk gaib .. satu tinggal di pohon nangka dan satu ada hantu wanita yg kerap di sebut Kuntilanak . nah Kuntilanak ini yg lagi iseng ..

pertama dia nampakin diri ke anak kecil .. trus temen gue di siram .. uhm maybe dia juga lah yg isengin Rama .. trus last day kmaren .. dia shown up .. dan ganggu anak bayi sebelah rumah gue ..

kejadiannya ya kita lagi ngobrol ngobrol . temen gue yg duduk di sebelah pintu mendadak pindah ke bagian dalam . dua orang ntah knapa tiba tiba ajah .. trus akhirnya pada pamit pulang dan langsung pada menghilang .. sedangkan gua sendiri juga gak nyadar kalo ada apa .. cuma ada yg sedikit aneh aja .. Jam dinding berdetak lambat banget .. time seems too long too wait .. so dengan prasaan as usual .. pelan pelan gue masukin motor .. then go to sleep.

and in the next morning .. baru mrk cerita in detail ..
ada kuntilanak ..

hahahaha hahaha and they all blame on me .. hehueuhe
gue cuma nyengir nyengir doank .. aku cuma bilang .. gue dah suruh dia supaya gak ganggu ganggu tapi ini satu knapa bandel yahhhh ...

i think i have to remove her ..

a contemplation

Dj Quicksilver - Andromedha

i never play this song for a while .. it is always nice to hear this one ..
feeling .. at the empty space .. flying .. trough all barrier .. releasing what stuck in my head .. feel all around me ..

it give me a time to remember what we are .. time to remember all my past .. and all the things i've had .. all the things that gone .. all the things i've forgot ..
bad times .. good times ..

a time to think .. why im doin here .. what i've done .. what i've losing ..
sometimes i see a face in my deep mind ..

.. when i realize .. i miss a lot

hpi bday bunda

it late in the evening .. only black skies .. i dunno somehow i feel something missing, something forgotten. and suddenly i remember last nite is somebody day. but im not quite sure .. so i get back on my cabinet, looking for something that can make me clear , and i found her ID .. and i look it up ..

and i realize .. last nite is her day ..

i feel so so guilty . not to remember and how come i can forget about that day ..

the only thing that i can do is make a call .. and maybe i'll be the last one to say ..

- hpi belated bday bunda -

sorry .. im late