Aug 29, 2006

Like Father - Like Son





Follow your wildest urges throughout this day

Follow your wildest urges throughout this day, and make uncensored suggestions.

In Detail

You are about to make a real change in the old way of doings things -- among either your coworkers or friends. Follow your wildest urges throughout this day and make uncensored suggestions when you see a situation that could be improved upon. Your input is very important and it's just as valid as everyone else's. If you let yourself exhibit the confidence you feel, you will get the notice you deserve. Sometimes you have to reach out and grab the spotlight.

Aug 27, 2006

why do you

why do you
with your tiny hand
try to carry all the hurt
its not just for someone
don lose sight of it
find the way
in the shining sky
though our hands can't reach it
rely on our echoing love
because at the end of the path
you will find the light
you'll find the way

need 3 hours to ..

Jumat kmaren .. kayanya hari yg salah buat belanja di Giants ..
rencananya kita cuma mo beli barang barangnya tiesto .. tapi begitu sampe disana, man .. crowded banget . pertama gua pikir cuma krn itu tanggal 25 yg mana scara itu adalah paycheck day and that's adalah weekend. tapi gue curiga kenapa trolley nya kok abis ..
trus kemudian mikir apakah ada promo ato apa .. ternyata bener ..

25 % sale all items ( except Liquer, Rokok dan HP ) .. dan hasilnya .. anjrot .. rushing .. everybody rushing .. gue sendiri pun tidak kebagian susunya tiesto .. dan malah beli barang yg laen . dan sialnya Mandiri Card gua juga lagi limit ..

hehehe geblek kan .. :)

alhasil gua antri buat bayar kasir .. dari jam 10 mulai antri dan baru bisa bayar jam 1
gilingan dah ...

Aug 24, 2006

Your success will be driven more by your desire

Your success will be driven more by your desire than by your talents right now.

In Detail

Your success is driven more by your desire than your talents right now. So if you want something badly enough, you can make it happen without asking for any help from outsiders. The plans you are working on right now may seem too ambitious, but if you break the big goal down into many little goals, things will feel more manageable. Connect with a long-distance friend today -- to avoid starting a game of phone tag, send them an email and work out a visit.

apakah kamu selalu untuk berkata .........

ada dua kata yg kadang begitu berat untuk diucapkan, dan kata kata tersebut kadang merupakan suatu reward yg besar bagi yg menerima. dan kadang kata kata tersebut pun sudah bisa membuat orang tersebut merasa semua effort yg dilakukan sangat berharga.

kadang kita lupa untuk mengucapkan kata kata tersebut. ntah karena kita merasa tidak perlu untuk mengatakannya , atau pun kita sungkan untuk mengucapkannya .. bahkan kadang kita berpikir orang menerimanya tidak pantas untuk mendapatkannya ..

saat ini sudah lama aku belajar untuk mengucapkannya . ntah dalam hati . atau aku ucapkan secara langsung, untuk suatu hal yang sepele ato untuk sesuatu yg priceless ..
dan aku tahu dengan itu mereka sudah cukup bisa menerimanya ...

so what about u ?

apakah kamu akan selalu berkata " terima kasih "

Aug 23, 2006

hanya di dunia kita

tak ada yg bisa ku ucapkan
saat dua mata kita bertemu
hanya saling pandang
berbagi isyarat ..
dalam bahasa kita
ada yang ingin kita bicarakan
melalui bahasa yang hanya kita mengerti
kau bawa aku menuju duniamu
dan kita pun berjalan bergandengan
dalam dunia yang hanya kita mengerti
berpandangan mata
bergandengan tangan
berdekapan mesra ..
dan kita akan selalu bersama ..

Aug 21, 2006

with daddy arms


akhirnya, setelah menunggu sekian lama .. gue bisa gendong si tiesto .. sesaat gak ada yg bisa gue ucapin pada saat pertama bisa melihat dia lagi .. cuma bisa diam .. and mo coba lucu lucuan tapi kok rasanya kaku banged ya .. pas baru dateng kan dia lagi mo mamam .. trus kemudian bobo sebentar eh bangun lagi .. nah pas di poto ini dia baru bangun .. masih maenan ma boneka dia .. duduk tenang tenang .. sambil nguap nguap dan mulai ngoceh ngoceh .. en tiba tiba ada yg anget anget ... huhuhu gua di ompolin ma dia .. kmudian si bunbun nyuruh aku yg gantiin celananya tiesto .. ya gue gantiin abis itu dia mandi ..

kelar dari mandi dia gue gendong gendong lagi ajak jalan, maen rocketeer .. berat juga yaks ..
seneng banged bisa meluk bisa gendong dia ... bisa bikin dia ketawa .. bisa ngomong ma dia ..

n tiap kali di poto .. lgs deh bgaya .. euhmm .. bakat narsis ? huehehe gak tahu deh ..

that day .. is a very exciting moment for me ...


euhmm ... and now im already miss him ...

kaulah Matahari

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

karena kaulah matahari

Aug 19, 2006

the end of the day .. sitting alone on the boarding room .. got online ... ( thx to iPass n WiFi ) checking last email ... checking all the stuff and everything .
got a bottle of vodka and 4 packs chocolate ( yaa .. that my last shop list )

kalo diitung ... gue pulang bawa .. :
1 bagpack
1 travelling bag pack
1 boneka buat tiesto
3 singlet buat tiesto
1 tanktop buat bunbun
2 t-shirt OP buat gua
3 english novel
3 set of flash card
3 books bedtime story
4 packs of liquor chocolate
1. skaters OP pants
1. Kevin Claire Pants
1. Cardigans

huah .. banyak bener ya itu belom termasuk accesories

masih ada yg ketinggalan .. Karimorr bagpack - Sportiva Shoes dan Baju Superman ..

eniwei gua capekkk .. n skarang waktunya boarding ..

skali lagi .. thx to ipass n wifi .. jadi b isa konek kmana mana dan gratis :D

see u there
diantara bangku bangku kosong
menunggu waktuku
untuk pulang

miss u

anna lounge - changi

Aug 18, 2006

a memoirs

kita pernah
mengukir cerita
dari China Town sampai ujung Rafles
dibawah gerimis malam Clementi
saat ku melihat dirimu diantara riak pada dermaga River Quay

dia tetap disana
pada pojok pojok pilar Cityhall ...
pada setiap tetes air yang tertumpah dari Koi Garden
pada embun embun pagi Rafles park
biarlah semua
disini ..

biar semua kerinduan itu bisa kutemui lagi
saat aku kembali nanti ..

dinding sepi

ada dinding sepi
yang selalu menatapku

ada dua jendela
agar ku bisa melihat keluar sana ..

aku hanya bisa melihat
aku hanya bisa tahu
tapi tak bisa kumiliki


ada banyak kerinduan dalam diri ini
tak kuasa lagi utk menahanya
ingin segera aku pulang
dengan segenap rasa hatiku
jika di ijinkan

sayangku ...

ananda Ramabanu Tiesto Aditya


hanya kata kata
yang kita lakukan
tanpa ada sentuh halus
tanpa ada dekap
imagi berkembang
menuntun kembali pada lembaran
yang pernah kita tulis bersama ..

kini harus terbuka kembali
biarlah pena ini menuliskan semuanya ...

Aug 17, 2006

i want thesee


i want these .. on my back and my arms ..

what do you think ?

it comes from the Almighty

As a bee suck nectar from many flowers
and make their honey one,
so that no one drop can say,
"I am from this flower or that,"
all creatures come from the
Almighty, The One.
There is nothing that
does not come from Him.

got the point eh ? ...

Aug 16, 2006

pagi di ujung sepi

pagi sepi
masih segar terasa aroma teh poci
penuhi kepala ..
membawa ku untuk menyentuh hangatnya
yang di hantarkan lewat porcelain putih
untuk mereguk habis
hangatkan jiwa yang masih beku di pagi ini ..

tapi bayangmu
yang hantarkan sejuta rindu
telah membunuh selera pagi ku

Rose Cafe - York Hotel

if you see something you don't like, fix it

The power is in your hands today ... if you see something you don't like, fix it.
In Detail

All the power is completely in your hands today, so if you see something you don't like too much, you should do something about it! This rule applies to emotional issues as well as aesthetic situations, so don't be too surprised if you need to pull someone aside for a quiet heart-to-heart in order to smooth over a sensitive topic. To counteract potential problems or conflicts, try to avoid whatever makes you uncomfortable or puts you in a negative state of mind.

Aug 15, 2006

Knowledge is Power


a book store at Funan IT Mall

it's amazing ...
too many books ..
start from OS - Network - Programing - Multimedia
from O'Reilly , Quake , Willey .. and many more ..
im even thinking when i can finish all this stuff ..

seneng banged bisa ngelihat buku sebanyak itu .. all those stuff are priceless and no money can buy it .. maybe, we can have much much money .. but your money cannot buy this knowledge .. gak akan bisa dan gak akan cukup .. but sometimes people measuring others people with .. how much money did he got ...

yeah i dun have much money .. but what i got much more than inuf ... and still growing .. dunno till when ... but never inuf

pengen bobo an di atas buku buku yg ada di toko kmaren

Leo Kisses

Orang-orang Leo yang terkenal keras dan tegas ternyata memiliki gaya berciuman yang liar, tanpa malu-malu, bahkan tidak segan-segan untuk menggigit dan mencakar! Pun warga bintang berlambang singa ini ternyata sangat senang jika mendapat pujian dari pasangannya, utamanya pujian atas gairahnya yang luar biasa

is it ? ...

the chariot - study and - support

baru aja semalem gue melihat tanda bahwa gue akan travelling dan related dengan study dan gue cuma bilang ke jimmi dan hardy bahwa gue akan travelling utk study ..
secara gue liat schedule gue bahwa gue di cancel related dengan kerjaan gue di jkt . eh pas sore gue di telpon sama Hendra, manager gue ..
at the first dia cuma tanya tentang kerjaan gue yg harus gua lakuin dan melakukan UAT. dan gue sanggupin bahwa tanggal 25 bulan ini project gue dah bisa UAT.
and after that tiba tiba dia bilang
" kamu bisa ndak kalo bulan depan kamu ke singapore lagi buat ITIL training "

whoaaa .. gue ga bisa jawab apa apa .. cuma satu doank " bisa pak " dan skalian gue bilang apakah gue bisa ikut CCNA dan dia jawab .. itu harus .. dan juga SCEE utk Solaris ..

wah gua gak pernah nyangka kalo gue bakal bisa pergi secepat itu ..

man .. this deck .. is true ...

so the last question

who will be my soulmate ... ?

Baggage List

Baggage List

1. Baby Set for Tiesto
2. Baby Toys for Tiesto
3. Baby Bath Set for Tiesto
4. Ruby Red Vodka 1 bottle
5. DryGin Gordon 1 bottle
6. a pack of Druid Craft deck
7. a pack of Angels Healing Oracle Decks

kali ini gue gak beli yg laen laen krn gue sendiri juga gak tahu kalo gue beli bakal buat siapa .. ...

mungkin juga disana gak ada sapa sapa lagi ...

age complexity

kapan kah seseorang bisa dikatakan "tua" dalam segi counting.. it is different dengan dewasa .. some of them say in the begining of 28 .. but dalam hal lain 23 and below masih dikatakan sbagai teenager so when it's dewasa ..

in some people opinion kadang 25 menganggap sudah past the age ..
this "numbering" things ... sometimes make others people so dificult ..
in other side ada yg mao bergaul dengan age range 4 - 10 years beetween .. in others way .. they do opposite ..

and at the end .. this numbering things doesn't count with the mature things .. ..

tapi bbrp orang selalu mengaku dia dewasa .. atau sudah dewasa .. but they are not

Aug 14, 2006

Do not confuse a growing sense

Do not confuse a growing sense of responsibility with a growing sense of guilt.
In Detail

Try not to confuse a growing sense of responsibility with a growing sense of guilt. The associations you are making with other people right now are a sign of your growth. You are more connected with a few people and it is effecting your sense of duty -- these people rely on you, and this may be a new feeling. Give yourself a chance to get used to it. But if you keep following your own goals and making decisions based on your own priorities, there is nothing wrong with that.

anthem for the Dance4Life


Dance4Life ambassador Tiësto has released a special anthem for the Dance4Life charity organisation during the 16th edition of the International Aids Conference in Toronto. For this special project, from which all revenues go to Dance4Life, Tiësto collaborated with Maxi Jazz, the lead singer from Faithless.

Last Sunday, Tiësto premiered the Dance4Life anthem during the official opening ceremony of the 16th edition of the International Aids Conference in Toronto. Alongside artists such as Alicia Keys, Pink and speakers like Bill Clinton and Kofi Annan, Tiësto showed the world why he became the worldwide ambassador for Dance4Life. Tiësto: “The way Dance4Life engages young people around the world to do something about the HIV/AIDS problem is very powerful. They offer young people an attractive way to make a contribution and reward them with a spectacular event. The combination of serious content and entertainment assures that Dance4Life gets young people on the move”.

For this special project Tiësto collaborated with Maxi Jazz, the lead singer from Faithless. Maxi Jazz, known for his vocals in hits such as Insomnia and God is a DJ, has written the lyrics and did the vocals especially for this single.

From today on, the single can be downloaded from and it will have a worldwide release within several weeks all over the world. All revenues from the release will be donated to Dance4Life! The Dance4Life anthem aims to reach as many youngsters around the world as possible to involve them in pushing back HIV/AIDS

sekali saja

aku tak tahu
siapakah dirimu
yang telah menjerat ku
dengan jala rindumu ...

dalam tak berdayaanku
hanya satu pintaku
palingkan lah wajahmu
aku hanya ingin melihat
sekali saja
sebelum semuanya tak bisa lagi

antara the lovers dan soulmate .. ada hanged man

a child - and soulmate

7 Pentacles - the chariot

The lovers and Hanged Man

the fools and the world

diantara soulmate of the Oracle dan The lovers of the DruidCraft .. sepertinya ada sesuatu yang berhubungan .. tapi ada hanged man disana ..
sesaat aku hanya bisa berharap the chariot and 7 Pentacles ..
open the eyes of because the fools so i can reach to the world.

your journey near to the end .. and set for the something new ..

all the pictures said .. drawn in black .. tattoed everything ..

but ..
kembali stuck pada the lovers and the soulmate ...

siapakah dirimu yang selalu menghantui dan meniupkan nafas rindu
saat aku terbaring , lelah terkapar disini ..

dimanakah kamu

tak banyak yang kuminta
hanya sesuatu
yang bisa mengerti tentang aku
yang selalu bisa ada di sebelahku

yang selalu bertanya ...
"kapankah kau pulang sayangku "


dimanakah kamu ...

Aug 13, 2006

put them on the back burner

Let go of your current goals today and put them on the back burner for a while.
In Detail

Someone in your life has recently reached a major turning point, and they are starting to make some changes in their life that you should find impressive -- and inspiring. So let go of your current goals and put them on the back burner for a while. Right now you should concentrate on learning more about how this person made the transition they made and why. Even if you have different goals in mind, their experience is something you can learn from now.

Day 1 .. it's already bored

it's silent and quiet .. and cold also .. just sittin on the cafe .. enjoying my self in silence with a cup of tea and glass of orange juice .. and i still try to realize that im already wake up.

embun tipis masih membekas pada kaca jendela .. hari masih pagi .. kembali aku merenung akan hari hari ku .. tentang kesendirianku dan semua kegundahan ku tentang semua isi hati dan kerinduanku .. tapi semuanya masih saja melekat dan terpendam dan jatuh pada titik kehampaan ..

kadang aku berpikir adakah yang masih merindukan diri aku .. adakah yang menantikan diriku disana .. menunggu aku kembali pulang ...
apakah masih ada ..

dan aku hanya bisa menghembuskan asap rokok ke udara .. agar semua penat dan semua yang ada di kepalaku bercampur dengan udara sekitar dan membawanya terbang ..

dan jika aku rindu ..
aku pun tak tahu rindu siapakah ini ...

late nite .. ...
a can of beer
a pack of ciggarettes
tons of missed ...
it's never end

Your Present Hexagram

Sunday, August 13th, 2006 7:03pm PDT

Your Present Hexagram

Fellowship. When communal bonds unite a group of people, great success is possible. But such bonds can develop only when personal interests are subjugated to goals which carry in them the essential virtues of humanity. The broader the basis for action, the greater the good which can be achieved. And conversely, the greater the potential good, the more powerful the support behind it. A spirit of cooperation steadies the boat, but it helps to have a beautiful island to row towards.

Learn to respect the strength in diversity, for a community's true power lies not in its numbers, but in the diverse skills and resources of its members. Just as the stoutest walls are reinforced with many different materials, so the strongest groups allow differences to co-exist inside the whole.

With a unified group solidly behind you, even very difficult enterprises can be attempted without great risk.

mati ... diatas trotoar mimpi

lama lama kota ini membosankan
dan menjadi sepi
semakin sepi ..

... terlalu banyak mimpi
yang tercecer di trotoar jalan ..
sedangkan aku sudah terbangun tadi pagi

Aug 12, 2006

morning on keppel

dingin ..
sepi ..
aku baru saja terjaga ..
dan belum saja hangat

Aug 11, 2006

Aug 10, 2006

another over time ...

it's already 11.18 pm
at 11 floor of Wisma Mulia . Tsel .. masih aja berkutat dengan Crystal Report .. dan Oracle .. yg membodohkan ini .. dan memang begitu bodoh .. actualy para developernya ..
sehingga gue kudu tweaking disini sendirian ..
cuma di temenin suara mp3 yang dari tadi udah berulang ulang kuputar ...

ada bex .. ntah siapakah dia .. hanya "bex" yg aku tahu ... jauh di balik layar laptopku ..
but at least bisa ngurangin kesepian dan kesendirian gue disini .. di tengah query dan scripting yang tidak jelas ini ...

besok .. gue harus cabut ke SG .. tapi knapa ya lama menjadi bertambah berat .. ntah knapa .. apakah karena " wanita bulan juli " atau ... "awankecil" dan juga "mpuss"
nttah gak tahu .. dalam hati yg semakin tidak jelas ..

aku masih bernyanyi
lagu yang kau ajarkan ...
dan aku masih ...
menatapmu ..

saat sendiri dan kesepian ..

kau bintang di hatiku .. * "

* originally taken from bintang hidupku by Ipang .. OST Realita Cinta dan Rock n Roll

things are improving.

You're in the thick of things, so you should keep on going ... things are improving.

In Detail

You have been moving forward on a new goal for quite a while, and should start seeing real progress today. If you don't feel like you are far enough along then backing out of this situation is not an option. You are in the thick of things, and you might as well keep on going -- things will start looking more promising soon. Right now you can try to get more comfortable with your surroundings if you understand the processes going on. Ask a few questions and get informed.

Aug 8, 2006

act the part of the charming leader

The spotlight will be shining on you today -- act the part of the charming leader.
In Detail

Follow the recent advice a friend or family member gave you -- and polish up your diplomacy skills. The spotlight will be shining brightly on you at some point during this day, and you must be prepared to act the part of the charming leader. You will get a lot farther with other people today if you remember this: You can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. If you can keep smiling (especially when you don't necessarily feel like it) then you will hit a homerun.

bercak air comberan ...

terasa berat
berharap pada ketidak pastian
bayang pudar pada riak riak tepian
saat ku sentuh
sirnalah ...

hanya bayang kusam
dan bercak air comberan ...

- sighs -

Your Travel Request Have Been Approved

departure : 12 - 08 - 2006
Destination : Singapore
Lenght to Stay : 8 days

purposes : attending iBOSS BootCamp .. .

again .. far from home
- sighs -

let things cool off

Before you get overheated, you need to stop your engines and let things cool off.

In Detail

Being active is usually a good thing, but if you have been running on overdrive for a while, it is now time to slow down -- before you get overheated, you need to stop your engines and just let things cool off. Keeping an aggressive attitude will only get you frustrated right now, because the people around you are not feeling any urgency or motivation. They may be slow to respond to your questions or demands, so try to focus more on personal projects and go solo for the next few days.

Aug 6, 2006

Get creative.

Get online or on the phone and reach out to make something happen. Get creative.
In Detail

Why do you think you need to wait for someone else to get the ball rolling? You need to force yourself to establish communication -- get online or on the phone and reach out to make something new happen. If the person on the other end of the line intimidates you, you might be better off with email; that way, you'll be able to use your creativity to create a message that will really get their attention. Appeal to their sense of pride and possibility.

Aug 4, 2006

crossed a threshold of sorts today

You have crossed a threshold of sorts today -- be grateful about where you are now.
In Detail

You have crossed a threshold of sorts today -- there is a place you were in that you are never going to return to again. This could have been a pleasant place or it could have been an unpleasant one, but regardless, you should be grateful to be where you are right now. A new project or relationship is well on its way to getting started, and there's no need to be nervous about where it is headed. Your proactive energy has you in a great position for the next few days.

just pictures ...




























when u see this pic .. everything are fake ..

Aug 2, 2006

sebuah sms

selamat ulang tahun ... ayah

- bunbun dan Rama -

. sighs .

something that will get you noticed

Today you'll have a major role in producing something that will get you noticed.

In Detail

If you never thought yourself to be much of a mover and a shaker, think again! Because today you'll have a major role in producing something that will turn heads and get you noticed. Be prepared for some unlikely fans to sing your praises at the top of their lungs -- and make you blush. To ensure your success, focus on teamwork and realize that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link. Lend a hand if you see someone struggling -- share your strength.

dalam keangkuhan mu

kulihat jelas
keangkuhan mu
pada setiap tatapmu
di waktumu
kau masih seperti adanya
tidakkah kau bisa
lunakan hatimu ..
rindu yang ada hilang
terbunuh oleh aura yang kau pancarkan ..
bukan aku tak mencintaimu
tapi dirimu telah menolak aku
aku tahu ..
seharusnya aku benci dirimu
tapi aku tak bisa ..
saat saat terakhirmu
aku hanya bisa menatap
berkata dalam hati ..
bapak .. aku pulang ..

pada satu senja ... aku pulang

Pada marmer dingin
hitam dan kusam
tanah kering berdebu
akar pohon tua
guguran bunga pertama
dalam diam aku mengadu
meminta maaf ..
di depan nisan mu ..

mbah ..
aku pulang ..

meniti tapak kaki pada lorong gelap

aku masih ingat
saat terakhir kali aku melewati jalan tua ini
dinding dinding suram
bau busuk comberan
dingin ..
sepi ..
cahaya suram terpancar dari lampu minyak
yang sebentar lagi mati ..
jalanmu bawa aku
untuk mengingat semua yang telah aku tinggalkan
jatuhkan keangkuhan ku
untuk pulang ..

Kota Tua Semarang ...
dalam perjalan pulang

Wanita bulan Juli

telah kusampaikan padamu
bahwa pesonamu
untuk bersamamu
sejak 2 tahun yang lalu ..

Secret Recipe - Chitos

kunang kunang pantai Kuta

tenggelam dalam semu
mencoba mengisi jiwa jiwa kosong
tumpahkan pada ombak malam kuta
bawa semua air mata ini ...
aku hanya mau kembali pada kekasihku
tidak pada kunang kunang ini
sebab mereka esok pagi sudah tidak bersinar kembali

pinggir kuta
sesaat menuju KamaSutra

penari kecil menari dibawah bintang

ingin aku terbang ..
datang menemui .. kau yang tercinta
peluk dirimu ..
dan terlelap bersamamu
pada pembaringanmu
melihat mu menari
kau .. malaikat kecilku ..

saat penari kecil itu
menari dibawah jutaan bintang dan dinginnya malam

malam di Laka Liki

di ujung temaram laka liki
di antara mata liar para monyet bali
dan basah embun malam
serta geliat penari penari cilik
gelap malam monkey forest
bersama tebaran berjuta bintang
tak ada bulan malam itu
hanya gelap dan suara irama jangkrik malam
kuserahkan semua jiwa yang kupunya
hantarkan pada derap malam
agar di terbangkan sang bayu
bawa diriku
berharap temukan bulan di balik
mendung malam

malam di Laka Liki

31 on 31

no sunny weather only the rain
no warm hugs only the dark cloud breeze
no sweet candy and fancy gifts only an empty sour hot tea
no laugh and cheers only lonelyness and tears of missing

at the 31 street on 31