Nov 30, 2005

Missing Person

Dear Colleagues,

This is to inform you that one of our temporary staff in Kemang Branch,
Citra Sari Dewi, has been missing since Friday 23 Dec 2005. Her last known
whereabout is at her temporary accommodation (renting a room) at Jl.
Rawasari Selatan I No 27 Jakarta Pusat. She was seen leaving for work at
06.00 WIB. After that, no one, including her family and friends, has any
idea about her whereabouts.

On Saturday, her relatives had already made the missing person report at
the Police Office Polda Metro Jaya Sektor Johar Baru. PT Persael, the
employer of Citra, has contacted PT Bravo Satria Perkasa, a security
services provider, to help them find Citra. ABN AMRO is also providing
help by contracting PT Security Solutions Asia (SSA) for the same
purpose. Both parties have begun searching for Citra using gathered information
her colleagues at ABN AMRO Bank, her family, and the owner of her

The attached is Citra's photograph.

Citra is 153 cm in height, 50 kg in wight, white skin, dark brown eyes,
with long straight brownish black hair.
For any of you who has any idea about her whereabouts, or can give any
information of any kind, please contact one of the following:

John Latuharhary (PT SSA) 0813-11090013
Feti (PT Persael) 0815-11271117
Andreas (HRD) 0816-1814318
Wawa (Kemang Branch) 0816-709403
Risma (Kemang Branch) 0811-880826

Thank you for your help.

Maya Kartika
Head of Human Resources

Knapa Blog dilarang di Kantor

Blogging merugikan kantor ..

secara management iya .. krn bloggingnya gak ada hubungannya dengan kerjaan kantor .. dan menggunakan fasilitas kantor .
makanya disebut merugikan .

dan kenapa Adult Web / Porn Web di block .. bukan karena masalah gambar dan film tapi di belakang WEB tersebut . Spammer nya seabrek abrek . Kalo salah satu PC sudah kena Spam tersebut dia akan menginfeksi PC lain dan akan Broadcast Packet kemana mana . dan akibatnya Internet dan Jaringan Lokal akan DROP.


Suatu aktivitas yg di lakukan seseorang yg menggunakan fasilitas dari suatu institusi yang sama sekali tidak berhubungan apa lagi untuk kebutuhan pribadi ya jelas merugikan lah :)

Contoh :
Kita IT consultant dan kita punya internet connection 512 Kbps Flat 24 hours non stop . dan user kita cuma ada 20 orang. but jika gue nemuin orang download / maen games pada saat jam kerja ya tetap gua kenain SP . krn bukan pada saatnya . krn akan menganggu aktivitas orang laen.

sometimes kita sendiri masih egois dengan apa yang kita kerjain. disitu masalahnya. mungkin pemahaman tentang Regulasi Fasilitas kantor itu dan kesadaran penggunaan fasilitas kantornya itu yg kudu di sosialisasikan.

Buat gue sah sah aja sih blogging dari kantor .. tapi kalo dah jadi Lebih berat bloggingnya daripada tanggung jawab kerjaannya ya harus mau ga mau gue blog.

so far skarang gue sendiri sudah membuat policy
No Porn Site , No P2P Appz, Download baru boleh diatas jam 19.00 . kalo chating masih gua bolehin .. :)

maish baek kan gue jadi admin .. even mrk browsing FS aja masih bebas bebas aja . hehehe

back to topic ..

dapet kerjaan dari Blog .. well kalo gue tahu ada blog bagus dan gua bsa tahu itu kerjaannya dia sendiri ( design ) atau dia taru resume disitu .. who knows gue butuh tenaga spt itu bisa gua call dia nya .. heheh
eniwei .. bukanya bbrp orang dari para blogfam member suka dapet side job dari hasil bikin blog :)

My Xmas Track :

A Punk Rock Christmas - Deck The Halls.mp3            
Blink 182 - I Won't Be Home For Christmas.mp3         
Coca Cola - White Christmas (Punk Rock Version).mp3   
Cousin Oliver - naked christmas .mp3                  
Descendents - Christmas Vacation.mp3                  
DI - Mr Grinch.mp3                                    
Flight 180 - O Come All Ye Faithful.mp3               
Gob - Very Shitty Christmas .mp3                      
Homegrown - Christmas Crush.mp3                       
Humpers - Run Run Rudolph.mp3                         
Less Than Jake - Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer.mp3
Mannheim Steamroller - Silver Bells.mp3               
Mighty Mighty Bosstones - Christmas Time.mp3          
MxPx - Christmas Day.mp3                              
MxPx - Coming Home For Christmas.mp3                  
No Doubt - Oi To The World.mp3                        
Sex Pistol - Christmas.mp3                               
Ramones - Merry Christmas (I Don't Want To Fight Tonight).mp3
Santa Clause is Comming to Town.mp3                   
Silent Night.mp3                                      
Sloppy Seconds - Hooray For Santa Claus.mp3           
The Celibate Rifles - Merry Xmas Blues.mp3            
The Damned - There Ain't No Santa Claus.mp3           
The Greedies - A Merry Jingle.mp3                     
The Vandals - A Gun For Christmas.mp3                 
The Vandals - Christmas Time For My Penis.mp3         
The Vandals - Dance of the Sugarplum Fairies.mp3      
The Vandals - Grandpas Last Christmas.mp3             
The Vandals - Oi to the World.mp3                     
TVTV - Daddy Drank Our Xmas Money.mp3     
sum 41 & tenacious d - kroq christmas cd 2001 - things i want.mp3

i dunno is it wrong or not .. but i think no one can judge me .. cos it s not your portion to judge someone is it wrong or not ...

Itu aku ...

Taukah lagu yang kau suka
Taukah bintang yang kau sapa
Taukah rumah yang kau tuju
Itu Aku...
Taukan lagu yang kau suka
Taukah bintang yang kau sapa
Taukah rumah yang kau tuju

Coba keluar di malam badai
Nyanyikan lagu yang kau suka
Maka kesejukan yang kau rasa

Coba keluar di terik siang
Ingatlah bintang yang kau sapa
Maka kehangatan yang kau rasa

itu aku ...

Prop of :
Sheila on 7 - Itu aku

Nov 29, 2005

NPWP Karyawan ---- duh another regulation

Kemungkinan pada akhir tahun 2005 ini draf Undang-undang Perpajakan akan disahkan dan berlaku pada awal tahun 2006. Dalam draf Undang-undang tersebut pemotongan PPh 21 dibagi menjadi 2 jenis, yaitu:

1. Karyawan yang mempunyai NPWP tarifnya:

- Sampai dengan Rp 50 juta : tarif 5%
- Di atas Rp 50 juta s/d Rp 100 juta : tarif 15%
- Di atas Rp 100 juta s/d Rp 200 juta : tarif 25%
- Di atas Rp 200 juta : tarif 35%

2. Karyawan yang tidak mempunyai NPWP tarifnya akan lebih besar 20% di setiap tahap.

- Sampai dengan Rp 50 juta : tarif 5% + 20% = 25%
- Di atas Rp 50 juta s/d Rp 100 juta : tarif 15% + 20% = 35%
- Di atas Rp 100 juta s/d Rp 200 juta : tarif 25% + 20% = 45%
- Di atas Rp 200 juta : tarif 35% + 20% = 55%

Untuk menghindari adanya permasalahan di kemudian hari, agar pihak HRD mensosialisasikan masalah ini kepada karyawan.

1. Pihak karyawan wajib mendaftarkan diri ke KPP domisili masing-masing (berdasarkan KTP).
2. Bila tidak mempunyai NPWP sampai dengan diberlakukannya UU pajak ini, maka akan dipotong lebih besar 20% (pada karyawan yang Perusahaannya tidak menanggung PPh 21 karyawan).
3. Bila sudah mempunyai NPWP, harus melaporkan ke bagian HRD sebagai database perlakuan tarif pemotongannya.
4. Sebaiknya HRD memberikan perincian gaji beserta pemotongannya, kalo bisa disimulasikan kepada karyawan.

Nov 27, 2005

If you really love her must you tell her or is it enough that she sees it in your actions?

I believe the answer depends on your definition of love. Is it a sudden, or not so sudden, strong physical attraction or is it affection based on admiration, common interests, benevolence as well as physical attraction. The kind you would like your parents to have (unless you're too young to realize your parents could be together because for these factors). This answer is based on the experiences of a 43 year marriage that started at age 19 ( the early start doesn't necessarily mean long term is not a possibility if the basis is correct. The short form answer is, if it really is love you should want to tell her and have actions that show you really care for her and not just physically.

a women likes to her it so tell her as much as you can and also show her being kind and tender does not make you a softy sometime i think we both sexes dont say it enough we wait until its ti late and try to make it up it dont work that way tell her and show her


What exactly are these actions that are suppose to send the message of love? Men and women are different in how they take things. For example, if she cleans your apartment for you do you think she loves you or do you need to hear her say it? Well, usually for women that is a "love action", but I don't think you take it that way, you probaly take it as " she's trying to change me". It's really simple, yes, yes, and yes, she needs you to say it!

so ...

i think u have made your own conclusion

Cerita Malam

ku masih terjaga
melihatmu berjalan
dalam duniamu
dibawah selimut
ada senyum
dibalik kelelahan
yang tampak pada wajahmu

ku tahu itu ..
jagalah apa yang kaubawa
karena hanya itulah yang kita punya
dan hanya karenanya
kita masih ada dirumah ini


dia menendangku
dan menendangku kembali
dapatkah kau rasakan itu ?
katamu ...

biarkanlah dia menendangmu
lebih keras
karena itu
kita tahu dia ada ...


aku masih bertanya tanya
kemanakah Dirimu
masihkah kubisa bertemuMu
kembali bercerita
tentang semua perjalanananku

adakah diriMu masih disana

Nov 23, 2005

Tiesto Aldebaran Peralta

Tiesto Aldebaran Peralta

well is kind of silly .. we don't know yet bout him but tapi gue dah merasa yakin sendiri kalo my baby is a boy .. lot of people talk bout so . and there is a strange feeling from that i sense the same ..

sometimes bunbun feel his movement and now he start to kick his mom, every nite, and he will stop kicking kalo dah di puterin lagu ntah lagu dugem ( all Mom Fav DJ track ) ato lagu lagu Metal dari demenannye gue .. baru dah die diem ..

sometimes i start imagining bout him ... and sometimes gue mikir apa gue akan siap to be a good father .. i dunno ... for this case .. gue belom ada pengalaman .. and this is my first experience ...
ready or not i have to be ready ..

it's becos he will be come in the next 4 months ... jadi gue harus bersiap siap ...
ntah gimana persiapannya juga gua gak tahu ... ya back to basic .. learning by doing lagi deh .. mudah mudahan gua bakal nemuin good tutor .. buat nyiapin datengnya Tiesto Aldebaran Peralta.

How do you know if you are still in love ?

interesting Question ya ... but i try to figure out what the answer .. and i found several answer dari beberapa referensi , experience from teman teman n my personal ..
in this case .. the question ditujukan pada keadaan present and past dalam suatu relationship maksudnya dengan relationship yg sudah lama lewat atau dengan suatu relationship yg sedang berjalan.

Dari pertanyaan tersebut banyak jawaban yg bervariasi secara teori, rasional dan hati.

so there is the answer :

Love is a choice, not a feeling. The feeling that is refered to as love is more or less a reaction to certain stimulation.

Love is giving, love is kindness, love is selflessness. Love is not something you take, but rather the reaction you feel once you give.

This is a question I constantly ask myself too. Everyday that I am in my marriage of six months. Yet, I am constantly suffering from emotional and verbal abuse. I am more opt to get out of this marriage. If you are questioning yourself than, you may not love him anymore. I still love my spouse but, I can't be with him because he makes my self esteem very low. WE are separated at the time.

If your doubting yor love then it does'ent sound good if you have to ask yourself it is not a good sign follow your heart and listen to your intuition stop thinking and start feeling

Dont use Love with 'still' !! its not a programming code that needs testing n retesting ... this happens Once & Only Once in life...


well ...
and sisanya is up to u .. the answer bisa iya bisa tidak ..
cos the answer sebenernya ada didalam kepala kita sendiri .

Nov 22, 2005

Song of today

Such a lonely day, and it's mine.
It's a day that I'm glad I survived.


Nov 20, 2005

Pada saat orang lain berbicara

Masalah ini sepertinya udah klasik banget. rumors , gossip and kind like that . it's simple but efeknya besar banged. just like what happen to me. Kita yang sedang sedang adem di rumah gak ada apa apa damai sejahtera kemudian tiba tiba menjadi berantem besar banged. dan gue yg menjadi bengong bengong atas segala tuduhan yg gak beralasan. dan finally kita sudah mencapai titik puncak kata " cerai " dan gue sendiri masih mencoba untuk mencerna dari mana asal masalah tersebut.

Bunbun accusing me kalo gue masih punya relation dengan wanita lain in others words im still having affair with someone else, she knows everything cos someone told to her. bahkan in detail. every second and every step im doing. in this case aku coba untuk cross check dengan tuduhan bunbun. but tidak ada yg sama, pertama gue pikir "orang dalam" itu adalah orang kantor tapi ternyata dia denger dari " salah satu wanita yg sakit hati " dari gue. so gue tambah mikir lagi . bagaimana mungkin dia bisa cerita secara detail tentang kelakuan gue kalo wanita itu gak ada sama gue setiap hari .. unless she made up the story. but for what purposes ? tujuannya apa ?

Dan gue masih trying figure out WHO"S THA BITCH IS ... but bunbun kemudian bilang " Dia gak akan mau lagi ketemu sama kamu " then i remember to someone yg pernah mengucapkan setences yg sama . then i try to make relation with .. and at the end i have summarize ... why that bitch create the story like that ...

In this case .. aku bisa aja nuntut balik that BITCH krn pencemaran nama baik dan perbuatan yg tidak menyenangkan .. why ? krn dia gak ada bukti buat memperkuat ceritanya itu. Dan Bunbun yg selalu meledak ledak dan selalu kemakan dengan Omongan orang ya terkenalah dengan Cerita Bualan That Bitch itu ...

and ironisnya .. That Bitch still send me e-mail or sometimes Chat with me ... just like nothing happened .

Duh ... Aku bisa aja bales dia but ... buat apa ... gak ada untungnya buat gue ..
but one thing .. kali kali aja itu anak baca blog gue ...
u will got nothing for all u done .. but u will got more suffer that now .. i guarrante that ....

Nov 16, 2005

Today Menu ...

since there is not much to do so im doing this

Dj Shadow - The Diminishing Returns LP

Look At All The Love We Found
Various Artist - Tribute To Sublime

Beastie Boys - Check Your Head out

System of A Down - Hypnotize

Those album baru aja gue kelar download ini hari . sebenernya ada 2 lagi yg sedang dalam proses downloading hari ini . Greatest Hits of Creeds sama Jamiroquai - Dynamite. but krn 4 album diatas lebih gue suka ya tpaksa mrk dapet prioritas dulu :)
duh enaknya kalo dapet trus kaya gini ..

kayanya gue butuh CD blank banyak deh ... and URGENT !!

meanwhile i forgot my lunch - damn ....

X Japan - Dahlia

track list :
01 - Dahlia
02 - Scars
03 - Longing (Togireta Melody)
04 - Rusty Nail
05 - White Poem I
06 - Crucify My Love
07 - Tears
08 - Wriggle
09 - Drain
10 - Forever Love ( Acoustic )


gue tahu x japan dari temen gue . awalnya adalah yg gua dengerin adalah Endless Rain skali denger lgs demen. pas gua ke SG nyari X japan di HMV dapet sih ada cuma mahal banged bo .. cd metallica aja cuma 25 dollar masa cd X Japan 125 dollar. terpaksa deh niatnya di batalkan. anyway masih pengen koleksi X japan and so far gue baru punya X Japan - Best Live dan yg ini X Japan - Dahlia . :)

sayang mrk bubar krn salah satu dari mrk mati dan gitulah tragis ....
but eniwei seneng gua bisa punya walaupun "bajakan" but this thing for personal using only not for commercial :)

Nov 14, 2005

Original Gangster before the Darkside

gara gara gue nonton VH1 HIP HOP honor dan disitu disebutin salah satu rapper fave gue dapet penghargaan juga maka gue iseng buat nyari full albumnya dia yg fenomenal banged pas jaman die. Iseng Iseng eh malah ketemu full albumnya .. hehehe
well here it is :
Image hosted by

ICE T - Original Gangster - 1991
Track List :
01 Home Of The Bodybag.mp3 11-Dec-2004 19:24 3.1M
02 First Impression.mp3 11-Dec-2004 19:24 1.0M
03 Ziplock.mp3 11-Dec-2004 19:24 1.8M
04 Mic Contract.mp3 11-Dec-2004 19:24 6.0M
05 Mind Over Matter.mp3 11-Dec-2004 19:24 5.8M
06 New Jack Hustler.mp3 11-Dec-2004 19:24 6.5M
07 Ed.mp3 11-Dec-2004 19:24 1.6M
08 Bitches 2.mp3 11-Dec-2004 19:24 7.4M
09 Straight Up Nigga.mp3 11-Dec-2004 19:24 5.1M
10 O.G. Original Gangster.mp3 11-Dec-2004 19:24 6.5M
11 The House.mp3 11-Dec-2004 19:24 1.3M
12 Evil E - What About Sex_.mp3 11-Dec-2004 19:24 1.0M
13 Fly By.mp3 11-Dec-2004 19:24 4.8M
14 Midnight.mp3 11-Dec-2004 19:24 8.0M
15 Fried Chicken.mp3 11-Dec-2004 19:24 1.4M
16 M.V.P.s.mp3 11-Dec-2004 19:24 6.0M
17 Life Styles Of The Rich & Infamou.mp3 11-Dec-2004 19:24 5.3M
18 Body Count.mp3 11-Dec-2004 19:24 8.4M
19 Prepared To Die.mp3 11-Dec-2004 19:24 908K
20 Escape From The Killing Fields.mp3 11-Dec-2004 19:24 3.6M
21 Street Killer.mp3 11-Dec-2004 19:24 966K
22 Pulse Of The Rhyme.mp3 11-Dec-2004 19:24 5.9M
23 The Tower.mp3 11-Dec-2004 19:24 5.4M
24 Ya Shoulda Killed Me Last Year.mp3 11-Dec-2004 19:24 2.3M

this album pernah bikin Polisi polisi di LA strike :) karena lagu COPKILLER . well mpe skarang gua masih admire him :)

and at the mean time i found the darkside

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Gregorian - Darkside
Track List :
1. Hurt
2. My Immortal
3. The Four Horsemen
4. Unbeliever
5. Where The Wild Roses Grow
6. Close My Eyes Forever
7. More
8. Uninvited
9. The Raven
10. Gregorian Anthem
11. Ave Satani (The Omen)
12. The End
13. In The Shadows - bonus track

damn ... cool ...
and i got the other one

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Gregorian - Modern Hits
Track List :
1. Right Nest To The Right One
2. Lady Stardust
3. My Lullaby
4. The MOment Of Our Love
5. In The Shadows
6. Feel
7. Hero
8. If Tomorrow Never Comes
9. Sorry Seems To Be The Hardest Word
10. Tears In Heaven
11. The Chapel Of Love
12. I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For
13. The Voices Of Gregorian
14. Nothing Else Matters
15. Angel Heart
16. Gregorian Nights
17. Our Legend Of The Chant
18. His Religion

- bisa di jadiin our lullaby and for Aldebaran's lullaby too ...

Nov 13, 2005

Advent Children

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i tell the review later ya ..
i must go now

pokoknya toB dah abis banged

Nov 9, 2005

what Saint Seiya are u ...

Aioros Sagattarius
You're Sagattarius, Your name is Aioros you
unfortunatly died at an early age saving baby
Athena. Your spirit is forever remembered in
the Saggatarious Gold Cloth. You stand for
truth and justice in the World.

Nov 8, 2005


what never say been told
may the lite spread the light
and all the blind can see what unseen
so there is no more pain left
in the trace ..

and memories remains ...

what left behind
only foot print on the sand
dust around
waiting to be flown by the wind
and when the rain comes
wash the dry
no more left

and memories remains ...

Nov 2, 2005


tak bisa bergerak
sedangkan kau hanya bisa diam
tak memberikan satu pun tanda tanda
ntah aku harus apa
tapi kau
terus memaksaku
untuk diam
di hadapanmu


Server sialan

Nov 1, 2005

Evil Hacker : for all parents and parrent wannabe

Is Your Son a Computer Hacker?
By T Reginald Gibbons
Posted on Sun Dec 2nd, 2001 at 11:00:21 AM PST

As an enlightened, modern parent, I try to be as involved as
possible in the lives of my six children. I encourage them to join
team sports. I attend their teen parties with them to ensure no
drinking or alcohol is on the premises. I keep a fatherly eye on
the CDs they listen to and the shows they watch, the company they keep
and the books they read. You could say I'm a model parent. My children
have never failed to make me proud, and I can say without the
slightest embellishment that I have the finest family in the

Two years ago, my wife Carol and I decided that our children's
education would not be complete without some grounding in modern
computers. To this end, we bought our children a brand new Compaq
to learn with. The kids had a lot of fun using the handful of
Adobe's Word, and my wife and I were pleased that our gift was
received so well. Our son Peter was most entranced by the device,
and became quite a pro at surfing the net. When Peter began to spend
whole days on the machine, I became concerned, but Carol advised me
to calm down, and that it was only a passing phase. I was content to
bow to her experience as a mother, until our youngest daughter, Cindy,
charged into the living room one night to blurt out: "Peter is a
computer hacker!"

As you can imagine, I was amazed. A computer hacker in my own
house! I began to monitor my son's habits, to make certain that
Cindy wasn't just telling stories, as she is prone to doing at

After a few days of investigation, and some research into computer
hacking, I confronted Peter with the evidence. I'm afraid to say, this
was the only time I have ever been truly disappointed in one of my
children. We raised them to be integrity,
and Peter betrayed the principles we tried to encourage in him,
when he refused point blank to admit to his activities. His
denials continued for hours, and in the end, I was left with no
choice but to ban him from using the computer until he is old enough
to be responsible for his actions.

After going through this ordeal with my own family, I was left
pondering how I could best help others in similar situations. I'd
gained a lot of knowledge over those few days regarding hackers.
It's only right that I provide that information to other parents, in
the hope that they will be able to tell if their children are
being drawn into the world of hacking. Perhaps other parents will
be able to steer their sons back onto the straight and narrow before
extreme measures need to be employed.

To this end, I have decided to publish the top ten signs that your son
is a hacker. I advise any parents to read this list carefully and
if their son matches the profile, they should take action. A smart
parent will first try to reason with their son, before resorting to
spanking. I pride myself that I have never
had to spank a child, and I hope this guide will help other parents to
put a halt to their son's misbehaviour before a spanking becomes

1. Has your son asked you to change ISPs?

Most trusted and responsible Internet
Service Providers, such as AOL. These providers have a strict "No
Hacking" policy, and take careful measures to ensure that your
internet experience is enjoyable, educational and above all legal.
If your child is becoming a hacker, one of his first steps will be to
request a change to a more hacker friendly provider.

I would advise all parents to refuse this request. One of the reasons
your son is interested in switching providers is to get away from
AOL's child safety filter. This filter is vital to any parent who
wants his son to enjoy the internet without the endangering him
through exposure to "adult" content. It is best to stick with the
protection home-based
solution. If your son is becoming a hacker, he will be able to
circumvent any home-based measures with surprising ease, using
information gleaned from various hacker sites.

2. Are you finding programs on your computer that you don't remember

Your son will probably try to install some hacker software. He may
attempt to conceal the presence of the software in some way, but you
can usually find any new programs by reading through the programs
listed under "Install/Remove Programs" in your control panel.
Popular hacker software includes "Comet Cursor", "Bonzi Buddy" and

The best option is to confront your son with the evidence, and force
him to remove the offending programs. He will probably try to install
the software again, but you will be able to tell that this is
happening, if your machine offers to "download" one of the hacker
applications. If this happens, it is time to give your son a stern
talking to, and possibly consider punishing him with a grounding.

3. Has your child asked for new hardware?

Computer hackers are often limited by conventional computer hardware.
They may request "faster" video cards, and larger hard drives, or
even more memory. If your son starts requesting these devices, it
is possible that he has a legitimate need. You can best ensure that
you are buying legal, trustworthy hardware by only buying replacement
parts from your computer's manufacturer.

If your son has requested a new "processor" from a company called
AMD is a third-world
based company who make inferior, "knock-off" copies of American
processor chips. They use child labor extensively in their third world
sweatshops, and they deliberately disable the security features that
American Intel, use to prevent
hacking. AMD chips are never sold in stores, and you will most
likely be told that you have to order them from internet sites. Do not
buy this chip! This is one request that you must refuse your son, if
you are to have any hope of raising him well.

4. Does your child read hacking manuals?

If you pay close attention to your son's reading habits, as I do,
you will be able to determine a great deal about his opinions and
hobbies. Children are at their most impressionable in the teenage
years. Any father who has had a seventeen year old daughter
attempt to sneak out on a date wearing make up and perfume is well
aware of the effect that improper influences can have on inexperienced

There are, unfortunately, many hacking manuals available in bookshops
today. A few titles to be on the lookout for are: "Snow Crash" and
"Cryptonomicon" by Neal Stephenson; "Neuromancer" by William Gibson;
"Programming with Perl" by Timothy O'Reilly; "Geeks" by Jon Katz; "The
Hacker Crackdown" by Bruce Sterling; "Microserfs" by Douglas Coupland;
"Hackers" by Steven Levy; and "The Cathedral and the Bazaar" by Eric
S. Raymond.

If you find any of these hacking manuals in your child's possession,
confiscate them immediately. You should also petition local
booksellers to remove these titles from their shelves. You may meet
with some resistance at first, but even booksellers have to bow to
community pressure.

5. How much time does your child spend using the computer each day?

If your son spends more than thirty minutes each day on the computer,
he may be using it to DOS other peoples sites. DOSing involves gaining
access to the "command prompt" on other people's machines, and using
it to tie up vital internet services. This can take up to eight
hours. If your son is doing this, he is breaking the law, and you
should stop him immediately. The safest policy is to limit your
children's access to the computer to a maximum of forty-five minutes
each day.

6. Does your son use Quake?

Quake is an online virtual reality used by hackers. It is a popular
meeting place and training ground, where they discuss hacking and
train in the use of various firearms. Many hackers develop anti-social
tendencies due to the use of this virtual world, and it may cause
erratic behaviour at home and at school.

If your son is using Quake, you should make hime understand that this
is not acceptable to you. You should ensure all the firearms in your
house are carefully locked away, and have trigger locks installed.
You should also bring your concerns to the attention of his school.

7. Is your son becoming argumentative and surly in his social

As a child enters the electronic world of hacking, he may become
disaffected with the real world. He may lose the ability to control
his actions, or judge the rightness or wrongness of a course of
behaviour. This will manifest itself soonest in the way he treats
others. Those whom he disagrees with will be met with scorn,
bitterness, and even foul language. He may utter threats of violence
of a real or electronic nature.

Even when confronted, your son will probably find it difficult to talk
about this problem to you. He will probably claim that there is no
problem, and that you are imagining things. He may tell you that it is
you who has the problem, and you should "back off" and "stop
smothering him." Do not allow yourself to be deceived. You are the
only chance your son has, even if he doesn't understand the situation
he is in. Keep trying to get through to him, no matter how much he
retreats into himself.

8. Is your son obsessed with "Lunix"?

Mandrake are all versions of an
Soviet computer
hacker named Linyos Torovoltos, before the Russians lost the Cold War.
It is based on a program called "xenix", which was written by
US government. These programs are used by
hackers to break into other people's computer systems to steal credit
card numbers. They may also be used to break into people's stereos to
steal their music, using the "mp3" program. Torovoltos is a notorious
hacker, responsible for writing many hacker programs, such as
"telnet", which is used by hackers to connect to machines on the
internet without using a telephone.

Your son may try to install "lunix" on your hard drive. If he is
careful, you may not notice its presence, however, lunix is a
capricious beast, and if handled incorrectly, your son may damage your
computer, and even break it completely by deleting Windows, at which
point you will have to have your computer repaired by a

If you see the word "LILO" during your windows startup (just after you
turn the machine on), your son has installed lunix. In order to
get rid of it, you will have to send your computer back to the
manufacturer, and have them fit a new hard drive. Lunix is
extremely dangerous software, and cannot be removed without destroying
part of your hard disk surface.

9. Has your son radically changed his appearance?

If your son has undergone a sudden change in his style of dress, you
may have a hacker on your hands. Hackers tend to dress in bright,
day-glo colors. They may wear baggy pants, bright colored shirts and
spiky hair dyed in bright colors to match their clothes. They may take
to carrying "pacifiers around their
necks. (I have no idea why they do this) There are many such hackers
in schools today, and your son may have started to associate with
them. If you notice that your son's group of friends includes people
dressed like this, it is time to think about a severe curfew, to
protect him from dangerous influences.

10. Is your son struggling academically?

If your son is failing courses in school, or performing poorly on
sports teams, he may be involved in a hacking group, such as the
infamous "Otaku" hacker association. Excessive time spent on the
computer, communicating with his fellow hackers may cause temporary
damage to the eyes and brain, from the electromagnetic radiation. This
will cause his marks to slip dramatically, particularly in difficult
subjects such as Math, and Chemistry. In extreme cases, over-exposure
to computer radiation can cause schizophrenia, meningitis and
other psychological diseases. Also, the reduction in exercise may
cause him to lose muscle mass, and even to start gaining weight. For
the sake of your child's mental and physical health, you must put a
stop to his hacking, and limit his computer time drastically.

I encourage all parents to read through this guide carefully. Your
child's future may depend upon it. Hacking is an illegal and dangerous
activity, that may land your child in prison, and tear your family
apart. It cannot be taken too seriously.

H - 2

biasanya kalo dah h-2 orang tuh sibuk belanja buat keperluan pada H day . tapi gua disini malah sama spt tahun kemarin. masih sibuk dengan urusan kantor. mulai dari migrasi ehealth dari 5.6.5 ke 5.7 yg gagal hanya kemudian upload dbase oracle yg error dan ternyata error nya disebabkan user name yg salah. dan salahnya cuma beda di H dan h. damn i miss that little thing rese bener gua dah capek nguprek sampe tweaking di oracle nya ternyata masalahnya cuma di username doank.

dah seneng seneng n gua pikir itu adalah kemerdekaan gua bahwa kerjaan gua dah kelar ternyata tiba tiba ada calling lagi ...
and guess what ...
gua kudu ngerjain 200 halaman RFP untuk Telkom and harus kelar pada tgl 10.
damned .. even orang orang CA aja dah pesimis give up dan gua harus mikir lagi dan sebenernya gua bukan orang yg hrs bertanggung jawab dengan kerjaan ini.

sebenernya sih dalam hati gua bete banged buat ngerjain ini . tapi jiwa engineer gue keluar dan gua mrasa proud kalo bisa kelarin ini project. even effort buat gua sendiri gak seberapa.

sometimes orang nanya .. why u want to do that ?
because for me as long as gue masih suka dan seneng dengan kerjaaan gue , gua akan willing to do it. cos i will got alot from that. but kalo ngelihat balik dari apa yang gua dapat .. well gau cuma masih bisa menghela napas doang.

but i hope suatu hari nanti ada orang yg bisa hargain semua hasil kerja gue .. dan semoa aja ada yg mo berbaik hati buat gua ...

ya minimal gue ditarik sama principal huehueuh dan bisa dapet gaji 3 kali dari sekarang.

-duh another daydreamer -
mpe kapan ya
