Today's Forecast
Enough with the whispering. You're in the mood to let the cat out of the bag, big time. You may not even settle for just saying what you know, because announcing it, grandly of course, would be so much more fun.
The Bottom Line
Well, aren't you shinier than a bright new penny! And worth a whole lot more!
In Detail
You've been going over this for a while now, trying to decide whether to keep quiet or just say what needs to be said. At the moment -- and only if you're intuitively inspired to believe that opening up is the right thing -- you'll go for it, and announce what's going on to anyone handy. You might stop short of hiring a skywriter, though. Just so you won't have to live down the jokes for the rest of your life.
capek banged seharian presentasi, besok presentasi lagi
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